Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Serve as if working for the Lord, not men.

Hands & Feet

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Creating Opportunities

We are continually adding organizations, churches, and workers to our network. Doing this ensures we have a wide variety of opportunities in which to involve our volunteers. No job is too small or too large for us.

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Using our resources

``Do what you can with what you have.`` The Bible calls this stewardship. We want to educate our volunteers and provide them with the means to be able to serve and minister here and now, not months down the road. Loving and helping others does not always require months of planning and thousands of dollars. It can start with a visit or a cup of cold water (Matthew 25).

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Intentional Interaction

A big part of all the opportunities we provide to serve include a human component. Folding clothes or pulling weeds is important and helpful, but it makes a larger impact on everyone involved if we connect relationship to that act of service. Every project we send out makes sure to include a relational interaction and we encourage our volunteers to be people who have a heart for people.

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A heart for the helpless

There are countless people who have needs that wish they could provide for themselves. In many cases, that's not possible. We desire to have volunteers who see and treat people with the dignity they deserve and not as charity cases.

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A mindset for change

Finding creative solutions to complex issues is at the center of how we seek to serve. By informing our volunteers and educating them on these opportunities, we can create ``ministers`` with a mindset to partner with those in need, rather than simply creating a temporary fix. We want to be the vaccine, not the bandaid.

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Building a network

Our goal is to create a network of volunteers that are integrated into the community and willing to use their own resources to facilitate change.

How To Become A Volunteer?

We want to create a network of people who want to be used as servants in any way possible. We want to foster a community of ministers who seek to find creative solutions to those needs. We desire to provide resources and information that will educate a new generation of workers eager to be the hands and feet of Jesus. All we ask to begin with is a willing spirit and your email address. You’ll receive news on upcoming training events, requests for filling service opportunities, and information about new causes that you can get involved with. We can’t wait to meet you!

Register As A Volunteer

Fill out the information below and someone will be in touch with you soon.